
n. 污秽的东西

n any thick, viscous matter


1.From what I heard, it’s all gunked up with coral and rock.

我听说 里面到处都黏着珊瑚和岩石

2.I’m going to turn it on for a minute and burn out the gunk.

先启动一下 然后把垃圾去掉

3.The only thing better than duct tape is this spider gunk.

唯一比胶带更好的东西就是 这个蛛网发射器

4.You know what, everybody, opposite side of the room, away from the gunk on the wall.

所有人 都去房间的另一边 远离墙上的黏性物质

5.What I’m going to do now is I am going to do it without caffeine but with green gunk inside me and see what happens.

现在我要只服用绿色饮料 而不服用咖啡因 看看结果如何

6.I didn’t sleep at all last night. I keep having this dream that my lungs are filling up with this kind of white gunk.

我昨晚一夜都没睡好 我一直在做梦 我梦见我的肺里全是白色粘稠物

7.Sometimes the bird gets too much shit and gunk in its eyes from all the fighting, so then you just gotta go like this.

有时候这鸟打架 会在眼睛上 粘上很多屎或者泥 这时候你就要像这样

8.I knew the green gunk had no caffeine in it and yet simply drinking it did produce a caffeinelike effect on my brain and my reaction times.

我知道绿色饮料不含咖啡因 但只是喝下它 确实对我的大脑和反应次数产生了 类似咖啡因的功效

9.Because your lung cells have these hairs, these cilia, in them, that act as kind of brooms, and sweep all the gunk and all the phlegm along so that you can cough it all out of your lungs.

因为肺细胞上有这种纤毛 它们像扫帚一样 把所有的痰 和黏性物质扫走 这样你才能把它们从肺里咳出来

10.So if you get an extra tall victim, you have room to cover their feet so when you unload the stretcher and you accidentally bump into him, you don’t get gunk all over your shirt.

这样如果病人特别高 这样就能盖住他们的脚 这样等你把他们放下来 不小心碰到他的时候 衣服就不会弄脏
