
n. 发达的肌肉, 膂力, 体力, 熟腌肉
[医] 肌质, 肌肉

n. possessing muscular strength

brawn的用法和例句 what I would say if you had the brawn part.


2.Because you want a leader with more brains than brawn.

因为相比于力量 你们更想要一个有智慧的领袖

3.A lot of brain, but not enough brawn.

脑子挺灵光的 可是没什么劲啊

4.A little brain, some brawn there’s nothing you can’t do.

聪明儿 强壮女 什么都能做到

5.My brains, his brawn, your… everything else.

我的头脑 他的身手 你弥补剩下的部分

6.I reckon some brawn might have come in handy.


7.One must fight with brawn and brain.


8.Okay, we have… exhausted brains, so I saw we try brawn.

好吧 我们试过了智取 现在试试蛮力吧

9.Brains, brawn, you’re in charge of getting butts in the seats.

机灵鬼 肌肉男 你们俩负责去招揽观众

10.She seems more like the brains of the operation, whereas you’re more the brawn.

她看起来更足智多谋 而你就是个四肢发达头脑简单的打手
