
n. 尼古拉斯(男子名)


1.Nicola, I think you should come home with me.

尼可拉 我觉得你该和我一起走

2.Nicola knew when her own story ended, too.


3.Nicola, I have some, uh, some rather bad news.

尼可拉 我 呃 我有个坏消息

4.Nicola saw the death of many, many things.


5.Nicolás, your father needs to understand his arrest changes things.

尼克拉斯 爸需要 明白他的被捕改变了很多事

6.Nicola awoke and heard the rain and went back to sleep again.

尼可拉随着雨声突然惊醒 随后又睡着了

7.Nicola used to think that she might be saved by love, but it never happened.

尼可拉曾以为爱会拯救她 但那从未发生

8.Nicolas said he told his wife about me, and she gave him permission for us to sleep together.

尼可拉斯说他跟他老婆说了我 而他老婆同意我跟他

9.Nicola takes blood samples at 30 and 60 minutes to see how high their blood sugar levels have risen.

尼古拉在三十和六十分钟后分别采血 来检测他们的血糖水平上升了多少

10.Nicolas, just because your wife gave me permission does not mean I’m gonna let you take me over to that kingsize bed with what looks like really good sheets and make love to me all night long.

尼可拉斯 就算你老婆同意我这么做 也不意味着我会让你把我抱起来 扔到那张床单看起来很有档次的 特大号双人床上 然后跟我疯狂 一整夜
