
[计] 突出性, 醒目性, 高明亮部分, 图象最亮处

n an area of lightness in a picture
v move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent
v apply a highlighter to one’s cheeks or eyebrows in order to make them more prominent


1.I’ve been a musician for my entire life and honestly, this is both a personal highlight and a career highlight.

我一辈子都在从事音乐工作 说实话 这次既是我的精彩瞬间 也是我事业的精彩时刻

2.I have highlighted it for your convenience.

为便于观察 我已用高光标示

3.That, to me, was the highlight of the week.

对我而言 那是本周最大的收获

4.this is the highlight of our year. It is.

这是我们今年的重要时刻 确实

5.I’ve highlighted all of the charges that aren’t mine.


6.It highlights how important these forests could be.


7.It was, uh… it was a career highlight for me.


8.It was definitely the highlight of my life.


9.But it highlights a problem that I have with the syllabus.


10.And once I learned it, I’d highlight it with a marker.

认识以后 就用记号笔标上
