
n. 黄金, 钱财, 金块, 金色, 宝贵
a. 金的, 似金的, 金色的, 金制的

n. coins made of gold
n. a soft yellow malleable ductile (trivalent and univalent) metallic element; occurs mainly as nuggets in rocks and alluvial deposits; does not react with most chemicals but is attacked by chlorine and aqua regia
n. great wealth
n. something likened to the metal in brightness or preciousness or superiority etc.


1.There are three grades of gold, fool’s gold, black hills gold, and harvest gold being the most valuable.

有三种等级的金 黄铁矿[虚幻的摇钱树] 黑山金[淘金热地点] 而黄金色最值钱

2.”It is not the gold, it’s finding the gold”.

“重要的不是金子 而是寻金”

3.But what didn’t occur to me is that gold is gold.

但我从没想过 金牌就是金牌

4.Not gold. It’s it’s a form of gold.

不會用金 這是金的一種形式而已

5.No one talks about the gold, nobody knows about the gold, nobody even thinks about the gold.

谁都不准讨论黄金的事情 谁都不知道这件事 连想都不要去想

6.And let’s face it, gold’s gold at the end of the day.

面对现实吧 不管怎么说 金子就是金子

7.In fact, there are eight different kinds of gold leaf alone on this picture and then many more different kinds of gold paint, and every single thing has been applied in a different way so he has put some gold leaf down flat, other times he’s put gold on top of bits of plaster and shellac to create these wonderful jewellike textures.

这幅画里仅金叶就有8个不同种类 还有更多品种的金色颜料 而每一种材料使用的方式也不尽相同 他时而将金叶平铺在画上 时而将金色覆盖于石膏和虫漆上 做出这些精妙的珠宝质感

8.Even if somehow we can set sail to retrieve this gold without anyone knowing it, even if the intelligence is correct and the gold is retrievable, we haven’t even begun to address the issue of where we’ll put all that gold, much less defend it.

即使我们可以在别人 毫不知情下起航去取那些财宝 即使情报可靠 我们可以取回那些财宝 但我们都还没想过 财宝取来了放哪里 更不用说如何守卫了

9.It started out as a gold exchange, where prospectors sold their gold during the rush.

以前这楼曾经是黄金交易所 勘探者在淘金热的时候会在那贩卖黄金

10.Finding gold in an abandoned gold mine’s not gonna be easy.

