
n. 攀登, 爬上
v. 爬上, 攀登

n. an awkward climb
v. climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling


1.If you can clamber your way out your own arsehole.


2.But I escaped by clambering up my two oldest chums.


3.It’s rather like clambering aboard a ship this, up this rickety staircase.

爬上这摇摇晃晃的楼梯 有点像爬上一艘船

4.But as the rest show no sign of joining him, his only choice is to clamber back out.

但其他企鹅不想下水 他唯一的选择就是再爬回岸上

5.A female has clambered up into the top of the bushes, looking for fresh shoots and fruit.

一只雌鸟爬上了灌木丛顶端 寻找新鲜的嫩枝和水果

6.A hoatzin chick has an adventurous disposition and starts clambering about when it’s only a few days old.

麝雉雏鸟很有冒险精神 才出生几天就四处攀爬

7.The young makes its way out of the nest and clambers up a grass stem.

这只年轻的成虫成功爬出蚁穴 攀上一株草茎

8.They eat mostly leaves and fruit, often clambering up to the very top of the canopy to do so.

它们主要以树叶和果实为食 经常爬上树冠高处觅食

9.With a big supermarket chain clambering at the door, her business and her feta were going from strength to strength, but that was all about to change.

有了大超市上门取货 她的事业和奶酪更是蒸蒸日上 但是这一切即将改变
