
a. 严厉的, 残酷的

a. of or relating to Draco or his harsh code of laws


1.25 years for a lateterm abortion? It’s draconian.

晚期流产判25年 这简直太残忍了

2.Look, I have never had cause to take such draconian measures.


3.Liberals think that mandatory minimums are draconian and unfair.

自由派认为强制性最低量刑 过于严苛 有失公平

4.And permission to use any number of draconian antiterror measures against them.

并且还能得到 可以对他们采取任何严厉反恐措施的许可

5.But human experimentation in the hull of a ship is a bit too draconian even for me.

但连我都觉得整个人类实验 有点太残忍了

6.But there are those who would use this incident to justify draconian measures, like travel restrictions or forced registration, who would espouse hatred or even violence.

但是某些别有用心的人会利用这次事件 为采取强硬措施寻找借口 比如出行限制或强制注册等 他们这是在鼓吹仇恨 甚至暴力

7.Whether it’s res judicata or stare decisis, there is no basis for imposing some draconian policy with regard to bail nunc pro tunc.

不管是一罪不二审还是遵循先例 施加如此严厉的政策是毫无根据的 这保释判决日后可追溯既往

8.I thought I’d learned some hard lessons in life, mostly at the hands of my draconian zither teacher, but that’s nothing compared to the lesson I learned last night.

我以为我会从严厉的齐特琴老师那里 学到生活中的一些深刻教训 但对比起我昨晚学到的教训 那根本不算什么
