
a. 有毛病的, 出差错的
adv. 错误地, 不顺当, 有缺陷地

s. not functioning properly
r. in an improper or mistaken or unfortunate manner


1.But I think we all know that there’s something amiss here.


2.But we haven’t noticed anything amiss with our system.


3.If we detect anything amiss, she’s dead.

要是让我们察觉任何不对劲 她就别想活命

4.Something is amiss, and I need you to find out what.

肯定是有事发生 我需要你查清楚

5.I’ll let you know if there’s anything amiss.

如果有差错的话 我会告诉你的

6.It’s far from over, and anything could go amiss.

还远没有结束 什么都可能出错

7.Tuppence, a little faith wouldn’t go amiss.

塔彭丝 稍微信任我一点

8.We got no sign of anything amiss at the residence out on the spit.

我们没有看到 任何异常情况

9.It will hurt so much more if things go amiss.

如果有半点差错 我会好难过

10.And he got to thinking that maybe the man in charge would take it all amiss.

他认为幕后老板对这事 肯定不会开心
