
n. 制服, 侍从
a. 象肝的, 有肝病症状的

n. uniform worn by some menservants and chauffeurs
n. the care (feeding and stabling) of horses for pay


1.Don’t worry, we’ll find you a livery.

别担心 我们会给你找件号服的

2.He has a livery license and is a professional boxer.

他有出租许可证 还是一名职业拳击手

3.I didn’t think they would find any livery that would fit me.


4.I’ve got my livery. I’d just walk up from the village.

我有号服 从村子里走过来就行

5.Tough as a livery pony who is resentful of the bit.


6.You guys must really stand out in those liveries.


7.Check that barrel in front of the livery, it’ll be there.

检查一下车夫前面那个桶 那里会有的

8.You may purchase a coat of arms and deck out your servants in gaudy livery.

精致的纹章 给仆人也制备俗丽的号服

9.But the director has him holdin’ the desperadoes’ getaway horses right in front of the livery.

但导演让他在车夫面前牵着 那匹亡命之徒用来逃跑的马

10.If anyone tries to enter the livery, just, I don’t know, whistle or something.

要是有人要进牲畜棚 就吹个口哨之类的
