
n. 摄影;拍摄;薄膜形成

n. the act of making a film


1.Now that you are here, we film, film, film.

现在你来了 我们不停地拍电影

2.Most cops hate that he films what he films.


3.If you want to film something you can film..


4.It’s a fantasy film. It’s a romantic adventure film.


5.and the film archive, but you burned down the film archive.

还有电影资料馆 但是你烧了电影资料馆

6.So it’s kind of one of those things usually when people, you know, film for movies, you can’t really, you know, film as they’re filming, but you can’t really do that when you do, like, the daily video.

所以就像经常当人们 给电影拍摄时 你不能 在他们拍摄的同时进行拍摄 但当你拍沃客时 你不能这么做

7.No. I’ve never seen anything, but I’ve heard of films, you know, like, she just makes films of 365 behinds and I saw her film of the body with the fly walking on it.

不熟悉 从没看过 但我听说过电影 就像她刚拍的365个背影的电影 我看过她拍的那部苍蝇在身上爬的电影

8.You have to stand up for what you believe is working for the film and what isn’t working for the film.

你必须坚持你在这部电影里的想法 什么是允许的什么是禁止的

9.In the film, I’ll come visit you guys and pitch you about being in the film.

在电影里 我会来拜访你们 然后请你们二位在电影中出镜

10.I was confident about how I wanted the film to look and about how we would animate the film.

对于如何展现电影效果这点 我颇有自信 也丝毫不愁该怎么制作动画效果
