
n. 青蛙
[医] 蛙, 马蹄叉

n. any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping; semiaquatic and terrestrial species
n. a person of French descent
n. a decorative loop of braid or cord
v. hunt frogs for food


1.I’ve caught a frog before. I said frogs plural.

我以前抓过青蛙 我是说一群青蛙

2.I did you said the only math biologists know is if you have three frogs and one hops away, that leaves two frogs.

我有啊 你说生物学家唯一懂的数学 就是如果有三只青蛙 一只跳走了 那还剩下两只

3.We’d catch frogs and have them race.

我们会去捉青蛙 然后让它们赛跑

4.No more advanced than dissecting a frog.


5.I’m a man, and… my love is a frog.

我是人 而我的爱人成了青蛙

6.You named the frog after your teacher.


7.I don’t know a frog’s about those things.

抱歉 我搞不懂那些東西

8.What I would give for a church full of frogs.


9.Or you’re just a tall, annoying frog.


10.The poison was in the frog the whole time.

自始至终 毒药就在这只青蛙里
