
[医] 吞咽

v pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking
v engulf and destroy
v enclose or envelop completely, as if by swallowing
v utter indistinctly
v take back what one has said
v keep from expressing
v tolerate or accommodate oneself to
v believe or accept without questioning or challenge


1.I didn’t get swallowed, it is he who swallowed me.

我也不想 但他还是把我吞了

2.Also to give it a pleasant aroma and taste, in case you should swallow any, which, do not swallow any.

也是为了增加一点愉快的气味和味道 万一你吞了一点呢 尽量别吞

3.Now, I know that is a mighty big, nasty pill to swallow, but swallow it you most certainly will.

我知道你们一时间很难接受这事 但你们最终一定会接受的

4.Swallow that and wash it down with this.

别着急 继续听完我的话

5.But party’s over if you don’t swallow.

可你要是不吃 就没得谈了

6.We won’t let him be swallowed up by it.


7.It was like they were swallowing me.

感觉像是 他们要把我吞噬掉

8.When I was a kid, I swallowed a quarter.


9.She must have swallowed it while you were suffocating her.


10.you swallowed more easily than those pills.

你竟然轻而易举地 被骗吞下了药片
