
n. 优点, 阁下

n. a title used to address dignitaries (such as ambassadors or governors); usually preceded by `Your’ or `His’ or `Her’


1.An excellent question, that deserves an excellent answer.

问得好 理应有个完美的回答

2.But clearly I’m an excellent teacher, and you guys are excellent students.

但我显然是一名优秀的老师 你们是优秀的学生

3.Yes, but on the positive, excellent focus, excellent resolution.

是 但往好处想 完美焦距 完美分辨率

4.I could have been an excellent priest.


5.This was an excellent opportunity for me.

对我来说 那是个难得的好机会

6.This has been a most excellent adventure.


7.No, no, no, I’m an excellent bowler.

不不不 我打保龄球很厉害

8.Excellent, I’ll deal with them at once.

太好了 我馬上就去處理

9.You seem to have been an excellent influence in all this.


10.Thank you for… for dinner. It was excellent.

谢谢你的晚餐 真的很棒
