
v. 撒尿( piss的现在分词 ); 倾盆而下

n informal terms for urination
v eliminate urine


1.And if she didn’t do it, then he would have been pissed at her, and then I would have been pissed at her too, and everyone would have been pissed at her.

如果她不这么做 那我爸就会生她气 我也会生她气 大家都会生她气

2.I’m not pissed at him. I’m pissed at her.

我没生他的气 我生气的是她

3.I’m pissed off, so as a pissed off person, I’m aware.

我现在就很火大 我火大我知道

4.You either pissed off a terrorist or you pissed off a woman.

你要么得罪了个恐怖分子 要么就是得罪了女人

5.I know you’re gonna be pissed as and you should be pissed.

我知道你会很生气 你也完全有理由生气

6.Are you taking the piss? I’m not taking the piss, mate.

你在逗我吗 我没有 伙计

7.You’re taking the piss. I’m taking the piss, yeah.

你在胡扯淡 我在胡扯淡 没错

8.Why doesn’t that piss you off? It should.

你们怎么不生气 你应该生气

9.Artie sold me out, and it it pisses me off, and it pisses me off that my mistake could cost you your child.

阿蒂出卖了我 这 这让我很生气 更让我生气的是 我的错误让你失去了你的孩子

10.He just sort of took the piss out of it, but the way he took the piss out of it, there was something about him.

却用了一种嘲讽的方式来演绎 但他这种嘲讽的演绎方式 有某种魅力在里面
