

n. computer software that obtains information from a user’s computer without the user’s knowledge or consent


1.He reported the spyware you put on his phone.


2.Here she is, the latest and greatest in spyware technology.

就是她了 最新最棒的间谍软件

3.We’d installed spyware on his phone, so I checked it.

我们在他手机上装了间谍软件 就查了一下

4.Evidently, the spyware that he planted in her computer recorded keystrokes.

显然他在她电脑上植入的间谍软件 也会记录键盘输入内容

5.You conduct daily scans for spyware you know how to look for.


6.Backdoors into lawenforcement mainframes, spyware in financial and email servers.

执法部门大型机有我们的后门程序 财务邮件服务器里有我们的间谍软件

7.Looks like he put spyware onto over 1,000 machines.


8.Attached to the photo that you emailed her, there was a program that installed spyware onto her laptop.

你发给她的那封邮件里的图片上 还附带着一个程序 在她的电脑上植入了监视软件

9.No, only my computer’s airgapped and encrypted to keep your father’s spyware from monitoring everything we do.

不行 我的电脑装了气隙系统并且加了密 防止 爸的监听软件 监视我们的一举一动
