

n a basketball shot made with one hand from a position under or beside the basket (and usually banked off the backboard)


1.He’s better with his scalpel than his layup.


2.You can’t bail him out ’cause he missed the layup.

你这是在帮对手 他本来错过了上篮

3.Okay, I don’t know what your coach has been teaching you, but this is a layup.

我不知道平时你教练是怎么教的 但上篮要这么上

4.This, I mean, this idea basically was a layup for us.

这个想法 我们很轻松地就想到了

5.I got a deal that’s supposed to be a layup that’s suddenly cratering.

我有个本来已是板上钉钉的合同 突然出了岔子

6.I…told her about the time you gave me a black eye when you elbowed me on that layup.

我告诉了她你把我撞出黑眼圈的事 你单手上篮肘击了我那次

7.You need to take the easy layups, the bread and butter procedures.

你必须选择简单的操作 基本的手术治疗

8.If a player isn’t hitting from the outside, the coach will draw him up a play to get him a layup, and once he sees the ball go through the hoop, he gets his confidence back, and then his shots start falling again.

如果一个球员在外线总是无法得分 教练就会布置战术给他上篮的机会 一旦他看到球进了篮筐 就能重新获得自信 然后就又能投进了
