
n. 扫帚柄

n. the handle of a broom


1.Yeah, you keep saying that, but I don’t need to check every broomstick to know that broomsticks don’t fly.

是 你一直都这么说 但我不用检查每个扫帚 也知道扫帚不会飞

2.Look, broomstick, you’re into me, it happens.

扫把头 你喜欢我 很正常

3.I jumped over a broomstick with a guy.


4.Well, before we hop on our broomsticks, let’s think this through.

在我们乘上扫帚飞过去之前 先好好想想

5.When they used the broomsticks on the little boys, and they would scream.

当他们用扫帚抽打那些小男孩时 他们会惨叫

6.And you’d think they’d stick out, what with their pointy hats and broomsticks.

按说她们该很显眼 戴着尖尖的帽子 骑着扫帚

7.Tell him to pull that broomstick out of his ass and get in here. I’m buying.

让他别磨叽了 进来喝酒 我请客

8.I remember the broomstick he threw through the aluminum storm door.


9.A witches’ sabbat. I’m going to fly you round on my broomstick.

女巫聚会 我要带你在我扫把上飞

10.My only worry is that if I bring those out any more, you’re going to look like a skull on a broomstick.

我只担心 如果我把你的颧骨显得更突出的话 你就会像挂在扫帚柄上的骷髅头
