
n. 签字, 识别标志, 调号
[计] 签名附件

n. your name written in your own handwriting
n. a melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio/tv program
n. a sheet with several pages printed on it; it folds to page size and is bound with other signatures to form a book


1.This signature. It’s your signature, sir.

签字呢 是您的 先生

2.No, no, no, that’s not my signature.

不不不 那不是我的签名

3.It turns out that those gravitational waves leave a telltale signature in a pattern on the microwave background radiation, and that signature has been searched for for a long time because it’s a prediction of inflation.

人们发现这些引力波 会在宇宙微波背景辐射中 以某种特定模式 留下可以识别的特征 科学家们花了大量时间寻找这个特征 因为它是宇宙暴胀理论一个预言

4.It’s more, it’s the signature of the artist.

不仅如此 这就像艺术家的签名

5.He had a stamp with his signature on it.


6.This could be part of his signature.


7.We knew it was him because of his signature.


8.That’s why we use his signature against him.


9.No, I’m telling you, this is a signature.

你听我说 这就是他的签名

10.But it’s our signature song, so we have to.

但这是我们的招牌歌曲 所以我们必须唱
