
n. 监护, 保护, 守护
[法] 监护, 保护, 监护人的职责

n. the responsibility of a guardian or keeper


1… but it’s been my privilege to have had the guardianship of you.

但我有幸 成为你的监护人

2.So, you mother’s seeking guardianship over you.

那么 妈要为你申请监护权

3.So… now we have 2 nieces in our guardianship.

所以 现在我们得照看两个侄女

4.Mom doesn’t want her in a home and she has guardianship.

妈妈不想让她去 她有监护权

5.It appears the deceased had not appointed guardianship for the children.

夫人生前 没有指定孩子的监护人

6.No, you drew up legal guardianship documents with our names on them.

不对 你连法律监护文件都起草好了 上面还有我们的名字呢

7.I’m afraid there’s just no way you’d be awarded a guardianship.

恐怕法官不会 把监护权判给你

8.In mythology, snakes represent fertility, guardianship and vengeance.

在神话中 蛇代表繁殖 守护和复仇

9.I’ve regrouped, and I have sandwiches and I’m ready to try again with the guardianship discussion.

我重振旗鼓了 我還有三明治 我準備好再談一談 監護人的問題了

10.If the guardianship is contested by anyone, a court date will have to be set.

如果有人对监护权提出异议 就需要进行开庭审理
