
vt. 使孤寂, 使丧失, 使失去

v. deprive through death


1.It’s more dignified for a bereavement counselor.


2.We got ourselves here a lot of bereavement overload.

大家走了不少朋友 都很悲伤

3.”I’m sorry to hear about your recent bereavement.


4.It’s unfortunate, but the bereaved are often confused.

很抱歉 但是失去亲人的人们常常会记混

5.Well, she was, and then this bereavement knocked her for six.

本来很好 后来丧友之痛给她的打击不小

6.I’m doing a piece on how people handle bereavement.

我在写一篇文章 关于人们如何承受丧亲之痛

7.I tell you what, I’ll get you in with a bereavement counsellor.

要不这样 我帮你约丧亲顾问

8.bereaved women do tend to act out sexually.


9.I have a philosophy about uncomfortable conversations with the recently bereaved.

我的处世哲学中 关于接待刚失去亲友的民众 我有个准则

10.And then, shortly after that, she joined a bereavement support group.

事故发生不久之后 她加入了一个丧亲互助团体
