
int. 该死, 真他妈的


1.I’m a doctor, dammit, not a nuclear physicist.

我是医生 该死的 又不是核物理学家

2.And technically, I’m not passing on dog dammit.


3.dammit, sir, she as good as invited me.

该死 先生 她差不多都邀请我了

4.dammit. I’m sick of this costcutting bullshit.

该死 真受够了削减开支的破事

5.dammit! I was this close to total enlightenment and then you came in.

操 我马上就要 被你打断了

6.dammit, I can’t even shoot myself with the art ray.

妈的 我甚至都不能用智慧射线枪射自己

7.You were for sale, or near as dammit, and you pay no price for it.

你本来都已经几乎是刀上鱼肉了 结果却不用付出任何代价

8.God dammit. I didn’t choose to be your little brother.

该死 我没有选择做你们的弟弟
