
n. 埃米奖(美国电视艺术奖)

n. an annual award by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for outstanding achievements in television


1.Emmy, this is our ticket to scholarships.

艾米 这是奖学金入场券

2.Emmy, you’re kind of a girl sort of.

艾米 你也算是个女生 差不多吧

3.Emmy, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and the thing is, I don’t love you.

艾米 我想了很久 事实是 我不爱你

4.Emmy used me as her nerd cover story.


5.The nominations for the daytime Emmys were just announced.


6.Emmy’s been my best friend since second grade.


7.I just said that I did because I thought it would help me win an Emmy.

我装病是因为我以为 这样可以博同情拿艾美奖

8.Emmy, there are some people in your life right now that you sort of have these kind of crushes on.

艾米 现在你的生活中有人 是你喜欢的

9.But it’ll be worth it just to see the ile on my face when I win that Emmy.

只要能在艾美领奖台上展示倾城一笑 一切都是值得的

10.In the meantime, we put you and Emmy in witness protection, straighten out yours and your parents’ immigration status, and hopefully put you back in college.

我们还会安排你和艾米加入证人保护计划 解决你和你父母的移民身份问题 并且有望让你重回大学校园
