
n. 实质, 本质, 香精
[化] 香精

n. any substance possessing to a high degree the predominant properties of a plant or drug or other natural product from which it is extracted


1.Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty.

水分是湿润的要素 而湿润是美颜的要素

2.Not my being, or the essence of who I am.

而不是我的身体 和我的个性

3.I mean, his tiny, microscopic essence, sure, but his essence nonetheless.

当然我是指他细小的 微观的特点 但也是他的特点

4.Your faith, it is the essence of you.

您的忠诚 是您最为重要的品质

5.To think that this is the essence of a human being.


6.I told you the essence of who I am, of why I was in prison.

我告诉你的是真实的我 以及入狱的原因

7.This is the pure essence of negotiation.


8.The essence in all things is palpable to you.


9.So…time is of the essence here, guys.

所以 时间宝贵啊 兄弟们

10.They bring its very essence into the yoik.

