
n. 乡村青年;情郎;求爱者

n a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman


1.swain, I know that she’s confused. I know.

Swain 我知道她很混乱 我知道

2.swain is trying to come round and get him.

Swain正试着从后方包抄 然后抓住他

3.You’re the belle of the ball, and these are all your swains, hoping for a glimpse of ankle.

你可是个大人物 这些都是你的追随者 希望能得到你的垂青

4.Not me begotten of a shepherd swain, but issued from the progeny of kings, chosen from above, to work exceeding miracles on earth.

并不是善人之女 而是诸王的后裔 为天选之子 以在凡间创造神迹

5.Methinks it were a happy life, to be no better than a homely swain, thereby to see the minutes how they run, how many make the hour full complete, how many hours bring about the day, how many days will finish up the year.

我以为这种生活很幸福 当一个普通的山野村夫 那样 就能简单的看时光流过 数清一小时究竟有几分几秒 一天又有多少时辰 一年里有多少天
