
a. 野蛮的, 残暴的, 粗野的

s. (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering
s. primitive in customs and culture


1.This is barbaric, even by your standards.

这太残暴了 即便是出自你手

2.Such are the barbarous innovations of our day.


3.It was barbaric, but I put a stop to it.

那些行为是很野蛮 但我已经制止了

4.It’s a public shaming rack. It’s barbaric.

这是在羞辱公众 太野蛮了

5.I know this may seem barbaric to you, but no more so than what you did to me.

我知道你会觉得这有些残忍 但远不及你对我做的事

6.It’s the least barbaric method I could think of.


7.This is not helping, to be honest. I know, it’s barbaric.

说实话 这可没什么用 我知道 很野蛮

8.Which is why civilized societies can become barbaric.


9.No, guys, we’re here to celebrate the end of a barbaric tradition.

不 我们在这是为庆祝 野蛮传统的结束的
