
n. 希拉里(美国现任国务卿)

n. New Zealand mountaineer who in 1953 first attained the summit of Mount Everest with his Sherpa guide Tenzing Norgay (born in 1919)


1.Hillary’s on her front, but her back is to me.

希拉里面部朝下 背对着我

2.Hillary, you cannot go back to your boyfriend.

希拉里 你不能和你男朋友再在一起了

3.Hillary is fat and ginger with frizzy bits.

希拉里又肥又黄 还有点小卷毛

4.Hillary uses Iowa to shore up her base, and we use it to stake out ground to her right.

希拉里用爱荷华州来巩固她的竞选基础 我们就用它来打入她的核心
