
n. 裸奔
[电] 条纹

v move quickly in a straight line
v run naked in a public place
v mark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained


1.Girl, you got a dangerous streak and a notdangerous streak. I like it.

姑娘 你真是既叛逆 又乖巧 我喜欢

2.What I do when I hit a cold streak is I borrow from friends, or anyone, really, until I hit a hot streak.

我陷入低潮的时候 就会向朋友们借钱 或者什么其他人 直到我手气好的时候

3.It’s a game of chance, and I’m on a streak.

这个游戏全凭运气 我现在手气正好

4.Good because it’s not just the streak.

太好了 因为我要说的不止一道闪光

5.He does have a vulgarian streak. I don’t mind it.

他是有点粗俗的一面 不过我不介意

6.And you thought it was a fuzzy streak.


7.What I’m saying is you have a streak of decency.


8.There’s no such thing as cold streaks.


9.I promise not to talk about the streak tonight.


10.So there’s very definitely a very competitive streak between the two of them.

很明显 这两人之间有强烈的 竞争气息
