
n. 蛋, 卵
vt. 挑唆, 煽动, 调蛋黄

n. animal reproductive body consisting of an ovum or embryo together with nutritive and protective envelopes; especially the thin-shelled reproductive body laid by e.g. female birds
n. oval reproductive body of a fowl (especially a hen) used as food
v. throw eggs at
v. coat with beaten egg


1.Some eggs? I love eggs. I could live on eggs.

来点鸡蛋 我爱鸡蛋 只吃鸡蛋我也能活

2.And here’s my breakfast order for all 28 days at sea: eggs, pancakes, bagels, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs.

然后海上28天我的早餐单是 鸡蛋 煎饼 百吉饼 鸡蛋 鸡蛋 鸡蛋 鸡蛋

3.To fry an egg a perfect, simple egg.

煎鸡蛋 一个完美而简单的煎蛋

4.He is father to the 400 or so eggs in this egg sack.

它成了这个卵囊里400多枚 蛛卵的父亲

5.Look, the egg is pipping, the egg is pipping.

看 蛋要孵了 要孵了

6.Now, this particular egg is not a special egg.


7.No, I’m sure the eggs are fine. I’ll check the eggs.

没有 但我肯定它们没问题 我看看

8.’cause my eggs are a bit like the eggs here at the diner.


9.No, I…I’m not having eggs with you.

不 我…我不会和你一起吃煎蛋

10.Every family has a good egg and a bad egg.

