
n. 翠西(女子名)


1.trish, you don’t have to put yourself through this.

崔茜 你不用这样折磨自己的

2.trish, don’t! I’m finishing this with you.

崔西 别这样 我要和你一起去

3.trish, are you all right? I remembered.

崔茜 你没事吧 我想起来了

4.trish is right this is between me and my dad.

崔西说得对 这是我们父女俩之间的事

5.I did as you asked straight to trish.

我照你说的做了 直接去找崔西

6.That’s why trish and I are getting married there.


7.trish, this is the only way to keep you safe.

崔西 这是保证你安全的唯一办法

8.trish, I want to applaud your courage.

崔西 我很钦佩你的勇气

9.trish has everything she needs for a stakeout.


10.trish, I guess, but her back was to us.

Trish 我想 但是她当时背对着我们
