
n. 长靴, 踢, 解雇, 效用
vt. 使穿靴, 踢, 解雇, 有用
[计] 引导, 自举

n. footwear that covers the whole foot and lower leg
n. British term for the luggage compartment in a car
n. protective casing for something that resembles a leg
n. an instrument of torture that is used to heat or crush the foot and leg


1.I don’t like his boots. I hate his boots.

我不喜欢那双靴子 特别讨厌

2.My boots. I can’t find my boots anywhere.

我的靴子 到处都找不到 I asked her to send new boots, sir.

靴子 我让她寄双新靴子 先生

4.It’s not about the boots. It’s what’s in them.

靴子不重要 里面的东西重要

5.There are cool boot people, and then there are not cool boot people.

穿酷靴子的人 和 酷靴子的人

6.Though my riding boots are a ten, and my trench boots were an 11.

但我的马靴是十码 军装绑带靴是十一码

7.The bloody boot print is a common crepe bottom work boot.


8.I thought this was supposed to be an exercise boot camp, not a real boot camp.

我以为这是个健身训练营 不是个真的训练营

9.There were boots in there, men’s work boots, holes in the toes, chewed up laces and caked in mud.

里面的确是靴子 只不过是男人的工作靴 脚趾头的地方有个洞 鞋带都是烂的 鞋子表面全是泥

10.I thought that, too, but every time I had the dream, the dead man’s boots as he was being dragged down the stairs his boot snapped a spindle.

我也这么想过 但是每一次我做那个梦 那个死人的靴子 当他被拖下楼梯时 他的靴子折断了一根旋梯立柱
