
a. 过分的, 极端的
n. 极端主义者, 过激论者, 急进论者

s (used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm


1.ultra’s going to be all over this guy.


2.ultra agents killed three of our own.


3.ultra knew we were going to be at that party.


4.We just brought the breakout into ultra.


5.ultra won’t be able to lay a hand on you.


6.ultra wanted him swept under the rug.


7.ultra… hey, maybe that’s what we’re looking for.

高阶 也许这就是我们要找的

8.ultra will know if we use our powers.

要是我们使用了能力 “奥特拉”会察觉的

9.I personally handstitched these masks from premiumgrade ultra suede.

这面罩是我用仿麂皮无纺布 一针针手工缝制的

10.ultra is linked into a whole web of classified material.

