
n. 栓位, 逃走, 吞下
[机] 筛选, 螺栓联系

v move or jump suddenly
v secure or lock with a bolt
v swallow hastily
v run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along
v leave suddenly and as if in a hurry
v eat hastily without proper chewing
v make or roll into bolts


1.Next move is we get 118 alone, give my guys 20 minutes, they tear that thing bolt from bolt.

下一步是趁118路没人看管 我们的人用二十分钟 把它翻个底朝天

2.He could not bear the sight and bolted.

他不忍看到这一幕 所以跑了

3.They didn’t find what they needed, so they bolted.

但是他们没找到 然后就跑了

4.Had to bolt before he shot my ass too.

趁他没冲我来 我先跳窗了

5.If that’s a concern, you ought to stick to bolts.

如果你有所顾虑 你应该选择手动式的

6.The only other exit was bolted from the inside.


7.We’ve bolted this together so they can’t open it.

我们用螺栓把盒子栓好了 以防他们打开盒子

8.We wipe your place down, and then we bolt.

把你家清理干净 然后就跑

9.It’s bolted in. It’s never coming off.

用螺栓固定住了 拆不下来的

10.No cros ows or bolts in their house.

