
n. 西班牙

n. a parliamentary monarchy in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula; a former colonial power


1.Spain has overreached herself with this complicity.


2.Spain has demanded I deliver you along with the cache.


3.Spain agreed to safeguard the tribal lands.


4.Spain would regard this as a great act of friendship.


5.Spain is wealthy, but fears for its political power.

西班牙富可敵國 但國內 卻岌岌可危

6.Spain’s defense minister is doing business with an oversight member.

西班牙国防部长与”上峰” 有交易往来

7.Spain may be appeased, but the street is still an open question.

西班牙的怒火或许平息了 但街头仍然纷乱

8.Spain’s aggressive exporting of her culture and her faith to other parts of the world didn’t render her immune to the inflow of cultural influences from abroad.

西班牙在对别的国家 侵略性地输出自身文化及信仰的同时 并没有让她免于卷入 受其它文化影响的大潮中

9.Spain does nothing for us, except send us a barren, lying harlot and expect us to pick up her laundry bills.

西班牙什么都没为我们做过 除了送来一位没有内涵又说谎的 还指望我们去为她支付洗衣服的费用
