
a. 野兽的, 残忍的, 令人厌憎的

s. very unpleasant
s. resembling a beast; showing lack of human sensibility
r. in a beastly manner


1.She thought only a beast could stop a beast.


2.You train a beast, or you kill a beast.

你要不驯服野兽 就得杀掉野兽

3.All of them beastly but not quite so beastly as the caterpillars.

全都特别恶心 不过也完全不如毛毛虫恶心

4.No, you see me as beast of prey, a beast to be caged.

不 你把我视作食肉猛兽 该关在笼子里

5.You’re the kind that pokes the beast until the beast bites.

你是那种喜欢招惹野兽 直到它咬你的人

6.They want a beast, and they want a beast right now.

他们想要野兽 他们现在就想要

7.there are still those that say that only a beast can tame a beast.

依然有人说着 只有野兽才能驯服野兽

8.You are the beast that they’re looking for, so, technically, that would mean they’d have to find you to find that beast.

你就是他们在找的野兽 所以严格来说 他们要找到野兽就必须找到你

9.You know, sometimes when you cage the beast, the beast gets angry.

有时候你把野兽囚禁起来 野兽只会更愤怒

10.I’m trapped in the cage of a pestilent beast and that beast was named anxiety.

我被困在装有一头致命野兽的笼子里 那头野兽名为焦虑
