
a. 无效的, 无能的, 不负责任的

s. not fit to assume responsibility
s. generally incompetent and ineffectual


1.feckless gambler by the sounds of it.


2.giving everything up for his feckless freaks.


3.Drunkenness and fecklessness is the economics of famine in the west.

西部饥荒原因可以归结为两个词 酗酒和无能

4.He’s hopeless, feckless, and I won’t have you used to mop up someone’s debts.

他这个人无可救药 不负责任 我不会让你被人利用 去帮别人还债

5.I want her to think I’m entertaining feckless youths, not my agents of espionage.

我希望她觉得你们是我的狐朋狗友 而不是我的间谍

6.One’s a feckless crybaby, and the other one’s a a chip off the old block.

一个是无能的爱哭鬼 另一个 跟 妈没两样

7.I’ve seen too many things missed because feckless residents don’t do a complete physical.

我曾经见过因为住院医师疏忽大意 不做完整的理疗而出了很多岔子

8.A world ravaged by war and poverty led by feckless fear mongers.

一个饱受战争和贫穷蹂躏的世界 被无能的恐惧贩子领导着

9.And there may be some people who believe the problem lies elsewhere and they’re saying that you’re feckless, childish and incompetent.

有些人会认为是其它方面的问题 他们说你无能 幼稚 不称职

10.For too long, we have been ruled by weak and feckless leaders who promised peace but left us unprepared for war.

我们已经被软弱无能的领导统治太久 他们承诺会带来和平 却让我们对战争毫无准备
