
n. 出生日期


1.This is where we hang out when our birthdates are tanking.

每年的生日约会如果弄糟了 我们就躲这里

2.I could never beat her with the worst birthdate.


3.It could signify a birthdate or an important time in his life.

这可能代表生日 或是他生命中的重要时期

4.Because I embedded her social security and her birthdate in the subject line.

因为我在主题上嵌入了 她的社保号和生日

5.See, scientifically, our birthdates correspond with celestial events.

从科学的角度看 我们的出生日期 和天文现象息息相关

6.We actually have this crazy system where we judge people by their actions, not their birthdates.

我們在評價人的時候 一般是通過他們的行動而不是出生日期
