
n. 公园, 停车处
vt. 停车, 置于
vi. 停车

n. a large area of land preserved in its natural state as public property
n. a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area
n. Scottish explorer in Africa (1771-1806)
n. a gear position that acts as a parking brake


1.Don’t tell me. I parked in your parking space.

别告诉我 我占了你的车位

2.You know the park. I know the park.

你知道那座公园 我知道

3.I didn’t have money for parking. It’s always the parking.

我没钱给停车费 总是停车的事儿

4.I tried to park, and you jumped into the parking spot.

我想停车 你突然停过来

5.Unattended parking is not permitted on this parking level.


6.Yup, let’s go to the park for some park fun.

走 咱们去公园好好玩玩

7.My men swept the parking structure adjacent to the park.


8.Just a parking ticket, you know, for the way in which I parked.

只是停车罚单 因为我停车的方式不对

9.They’d park it down at the trailer park down by the beach for a couple of days.

我們就把車停在沙灘邊的房車公園 一停就是好幾天

10.It wasn’t there. It wasn’t where he’d parked it.

它不在那儿 车子不在他说的地方
