
n. 感应, 感觉, 感官, 意识, 观念, 情理, 知觉, 理智
vt. 感觉, 觉察, 检测
[计] 阅读; 检测

n. a general conscious awareness
n. the meaning of a word or expression; the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted
n. the faculty through which the external world is apprehended
n. a natural appreciation or ability


1.I sense something in you, as you sense it in me.


2.He had sensed my power, as he senses yours.

他感应到我的力量 就像他感应到你的一样

3.No sense of your body, no sense of time.

身体没有知觉 时间静止

4.That makes no sense. It makes sense to me.

那根本没意义 对我来说有意义

5.If it don’t make no sense, then it makes sense.

如果它解释不通 它也就解释得通了

6.Because of your super sense? I don’t have super sense.

因為你有超感 我沒有超感

7.It actually makes sense that it doesn’t make sense.


8.Because our senses, including our common sense, are evolving.

因为我们的感知 还有常识都在进化

9.I see it in a historical sense, but not in a niceday sense.

我懂 但那是历史层面的问题 今天就算了吧
