
n. 日出

n the first light of day


1.Don’t worry, I’ll have her back by sunup.

别担心 出前会送她回家

2.Chockablock me some massages from sunup to sundown.


3.Could have been over 200 pairs of boots up and down here since sunup.


4.We both may be wearing rags of the condemned by sunup.


5.If your soul hasn’t returned to your body by sunup, you’ll die.

如果日出之前你的灵魂无法回到体内 那就是你的死期

6.Making him anxious, frustrated all the way until sunup.

让他焦虑 泄气 直到天明

7.No, uh, visiting hours start at sunup.

不用了 访客时间日出开始

8.We worked from sundown to sunup, seven days a week.

我們從日落工作到日出 全年無休

9.Yes, but my deception will not last beyond sunup.

是啊 但我的谎言天一亮就会被戳穿

10.One day you forced yourself to spin from sunup to sundown.

有一天你逼著自己上去 從日出直到日落
