
n. 片, 补缀, 碎片, 斑, 傻瓜
vt. 补缀, 掩饰, 拼凑, 平息
[计] 修补; 拼凑

n. a piece of cloth used as decoration or to mend or cover a hole
n. a short set of commands to correct a bug in a computer program
v. to join or unite the pieces of
v. provide with a patch; also used metaphorically


1.Not sure about the eye patch, though. It’s not an eye patch.

但你这眼罩不怎么好看 这不是眼罩

2.Standard bureaucratic mentality is to go cheap, patches on patches.

标准的官僚主义心态是想要便宜点 不停打补丁就好了

3.They have to go farther to get from one fruit patch to another fruit patch, for example.

他们需要走得更远 比如 从一个水果来源处 走到另一个水果来源处

4.So we patch this into the surveillance system.

把这玩意儿 植入到监控系统里

5.And if I did, I would do first aid on them because I have that patch.

即使我有 我也会做急救处理 因为我有创可贴

6.Torture the victim and patch him up.

折磨受害人 然后缝合伤口

7.patched up. It hurts, but it wasn’t deep.

简单处理了下 挺疼 但好在不深

8.Whatever is leaking, I can’t patch up.

不管是哪儿出血 我都止不住了

9.We’ve been patched through to the cockpit radio.


10.All I wanted was that kit patch myself up.

我只要医疗包 包扎一下
