n. 拐杖, 支撑, 依靠
vt. 支撑
n. a wooden or metal staff that fits under the armpit and reaches to the ground; used by disabled person while walking
n. anything that serves as an expedient
1.The guy on crutches that you pushed.
2.He’s on crutches, but he’s good to go.
他得用拐杖 但可以出院了
3.I can’t get in there without crutches.
4.But you disable yourself when you use it as a crutch.
但你把它当拐杖的话 就伤害了自己
5.You stole crutches, which I had to pay for.
你偷了拐杖 我不得不帮你付了钱
6.And you’ll be on crutches for about four weeks.
7.You’ll be on crutches for about four weeks.
8.I took him out to the car, crutches and all.
我把他带上车了 还有拐杖什么的
9.That excuse is so lame it needs crutches.
这借口真是太烂了 我都不忍心听了
10.And no cutesy madeup words it’s a crutch.
不要用忸怩作态的合成词 那是画蛇添足