
n. 小精灵, 矮人, 淘气鬼
[电] 超低频的简写

n. (folklore) fairies that are somewhat mischievous


1.I’m about to slay a level8 ELF king.


2.It is exhausting playing a slutty ELF.


3.A king does not take orders from a winged ELF.

国王不会听从 一个长着翅膀的怪物的命令

4.It’s just a question of which ELF costume I wear.


5.You won’t become a winged ELF whether you’re in here or out in the world.

你是不会变成一只精灵的 不管是在这里 还是在监狱外 都一样

6.He has this ELF hat I bought him that he just loves.

我给他买了顶精灵帽 他特别喜欢

7.Plus, I’ve never seen an ELF audition before.

而且 我从来没见过精灵参加试演的

8.And it’s all out there for everyone to see, all these little monkey ELFs, all these kids.

到处都是 随处可见 从网虫到小破孩儿都会知道

9.I’m sure it’s lovely in there with all the ELF socials and unicorn parties.

那里肯定很美 有精灵连环 独角兽派对什么的

10.The fancy cannot cheat so well as she is famed to do, deceiving ELF.

别了 幻想不能永继 故伎不能永施
