
[经] 展览会, 市集, 义卖

n a collection of things (goods or works of art etc.) for public display


1.Actually, I’ll be at the expo too this weekend.

其实 我这周末也要去农博会

2.I’m from the expo, and we’d love to talk to you.

我是博览会的 我们想和你谈谈

3.We wanted to use the presentation for the expo.


4.So, I talked to the organizers of the food & wine expo.


5.Man, I guess I didn’t realize how intense these expos were.


6.I think people would be would love to see an expos like that.


7.The freight company has promised me it’ll be here before the expo opens.

运输公司向我保证 展览会开始之前一定送到

8.Actually, sheriff, I was thinking you and I could go check out the gear expo.

其实 警长 我在想 咱们是不是去看看装备展览

9.Be nice to pop by the expo and make sure my business isn’t cratering.

顺便看看展览 确保我的生意顺利

10.Russia’s annual arms expo, where it seems every machine capable of causing death and destruction is available at a price.

俄罗斯武器年度博览会 在这里每台大型杀伤性武器 都是明码标价的
