
n. 计划者, 阴谋家
[法] 阴谋家, 计划人, 设计人

n. a planner who draws up a personal scheme of action


1.He’s schemer, a liar, and he’s dangerous.

他诡计多端谎话连篇 用心险恶

2.I come from a long line of schemers.


3.They strike me as opportunists, not master schemers.

他们给我的印象是机会主义者 不是阴谋家

4.I’ve never come across such treacherous, poisonous, powerhungry schemers.

我還從來沒見過他們這樣奸詐惡毒 權力欲強盛的陰謀者

5.Borusa, the strict teacher when later became the schemer in such immortality and power.

波鲁萨 一位严师 但后来却沉迷权术 图谋永生和权力

6.Ella actually felt pity for these two schemers, who could be every bit as ugly within as they were fair without.

艾拉真心为那两位野心家感到可悲 她们外表有多美丽内心就有多丑陋
