
n. 男子健美照片

n. a photograph of a muscular man in minimal attire


1.Good to see you… and that’s beefcake.

见到你太好了 而且我是牛肉蛋糕

2.Ah, the guy with the beefcakes is our man.


3.Looks like I tested positive for beefcake.

看上去我的 检测结果呈阳性

4.Nobody told me they added beefcake to the menu.

没人告诉我菜单上新加了牛肉饼[ ]啊

5.Well, it was, then you brought your beefcake boyfriend on the scene.

本来是的 然后你带来了你的肌霸男朋友

6.Big beefcake of a guy who couldn’t please his wife.

空有一身肌肉 却没法满足他妻子

7.Excuse me, beefcake has been on the menu since I started working here.

不好意思 菜单上 这道菜 在我开始在这上班后就加上了

8.But it chiseled young obeseus into quite the italian beefcake.

但它将年轻的奥比西斯塑造成 一位真正的意大利男子汉

9.So, you’ll just be swimming in beefcakes all day and then you’ll just… be coming home to this sock full of meatloaf.

所以 以后你每天都生活在 堆里 然后回到家… 回到家却要面对我这发福的挫男
