
n. 郡主, 公主

n. A title borne by every one of the daughters of the kings
of Spain and Portugal, except the eldest.


1.infanta, we must dress you for your wedding.

公主 我們得為您的婚禮 了

2.Your mistress torments our infanta for her sport.


3.Ah, bring the bath to the infanta’s room at once.


4.Please, just don’t tell the infanta who it is who pays you.

拜托 別讓公主知道誰付你錢

5.We are blessed to have each other, and the infanta, she is blessed now, too, because she’ll have her dowry and her prince.

我們受主保佑能得到彼此 而公主 她現在也受到保佑了 因為她就要得到嫁妝和她的王子了

6.You must go and tell the infanta that she may wed.


7.These men were brought as a gift to him, part of the infanta’s dowry.

這些人是我們獻給他的敬禮 是公主嫁妝的一部分

8.I cannot ask them, or my honor will be questioned, which would damage the infanta.

我不能去问她们 不然我的名誉会受到质疑 这会伤害到公主

9.The infanta’s sister stays, so she might try again to win her dowry.

公主的姐姐會留下來 所以她可能會再去爭取一次嫁妝

10.The infanta and her retinue wish to find lodgings outside of the palace.

公主和她的随从 希望在宫外找一处住所
