
a. 残废的, 有缺陷的, 失效的
[计] 失效的

n. people collectively who are crippled or otherwise physically handicapped
s. incapable of functioning as a consequence of injury or illness


1.You’re disabled so it’ll be half price. I am not disabled.

你是残疾人 只需要半价 我不是残疾人

2.I always say it is incredibly different to have a disability to being the mother of a child with a disability.

我一直说患有残疾和成为残疾孩子的母亲 是两件完全不同的事情

3.To have a recovery in a proper, holistic way, you cannot just deal with the physical disabilities, but there’s more to the human being than just a physical disability.

为了能恰当 完全恢复 不能只医治身体的疾病 对人类来说 除此以外 还有很多事需要关注

4.I disabled all the surveillance in here.


5.Disable it. I can’t! It’s hardwired.

解除掉 不行 这连了硬件

6.It would be fun for a while, and I’d get disability.

刚开始会很享受的 然后就残疾了

7.I disabled it when we left cybercom.


8.Disable the controls so he can’t get out.

把控制装置关了 免得他逃出来

9.Nor the power if you have disabled the core.

也没电源了 如果你关了核心的话
