
n. 活体解剖
[医] 活体解剖(动物)

n. the act of operating on living animals (especially in scientific research)


1.Twelve hours to the vivisection of the asset.


2.Autopsy is performed on the dead, vivisection on the living.

尸检是对死人做的 在活人身上做的叫活体解剖

3.I mean, I know we’re serving the greater good, but the vivisection started to keep me up at night.

我是说 我知道我们这么做是为了大义 但活体解剖使我夜不能寐

4.The vivisection of a onceliving organi as a scientific necessity can be quite rewarding if it yields forensic results.

出于科学需要 为了取得法医鉴定结果 对曾经存活于世的生物体进行解剖 这一切都是非常有意义的
