
n. 母鸡, 雌禽

n. adult female chicken
n. adult female bird
n. flesh of an older chicken suitable for stewing
n. female of certain aquatic animals e.g. octopus or lobster


1.I am not a hen, and my house is not yours.

我不是鸡 我家也不是你家

2.hen, what’s going on down here? I’m almost there.

亨 下面什么情况 我快好了

3.But even there, there were hens and they pecked.

即使在那里 也会欺凌弱小

4.Man, you were supposed to be my red hen.

兄弟 你本该是我的红母鸡

5.Can’t listen to all this hen chatter anymore.


6.It’s not a hen do, really, just a few friends.

称不上单身派对 就是几个朋友聚聚

7.Cathy says that I’ve ruined her hen do.


8.I might have pulled off the perfect hen do.


9.hen, why don’t you go upstairs, and we’ll be up to tuck you in in a few minutes.

亨利 你上楼去吧 我们一会儿就上去帮你盖被子

10.It’s better to have a hen today than an egg tomorrow.

我们要最大限度把握当下 而不是明天的稻草
