
n. 财富, 运气, 兴隆, 大量财产, 好运, 命运
[法] 命运, 财产, 大量财产

n. a large amount of wealth or prosperity
n. your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you)


1.Our fortune, our entire fortune, is mouldering in the dark.

我们的钱 所有钱 正在黑暗中慢慢发霉

2.And my fortune, such as it isn’t… to you.

我的所得 相比于你 却少得可怜

3.If we run from my father and his fortune now, there’ll be no fortune of your father’s for us to run to, not for very long.

如果我们现在逃离我父亲和他的财产 你父亲短时间内也不会有财产 可以让我们投奔

4.We’ll cost your client a fortune keeping his money out of play for half a year, maybe his whole fortune.

而我们要让你的客户损失一大笔钱 让他的钱半年不得进入市场 他会损失所有钱也说不定

5.My family made several fortunes owning a rubber plantation, and then they bought up much more of the rice market and made another fortune.

我的家族通过橡胶种植园赚了不少钱 然后他们又收购了 更多水稻 赚了更多钱

6.Fortunately, I have an app for that.


7.very fortunate to have had that time.


8.Fortunately for her, there was no job.

算她走运 巴瑞根本就没工作

9.I’m very, very fortunate in that sense.

从这方面来讲 我很幸运

10.It was his fortune to lose, not yours.

损失的也是他的钱 不是你的
